The Motivated Person |
The Unmotivated Person |
- Sets goal–long and short range, tangible and intangible, written, time limits, visualized, and has a daily plan of action.
- Has a meandering life, is task motivated, procedure motivated, and is motivated by comfortable methods, directed by what others think.
- Is a winner. Looks at their strengths and thinks of all the reasons things can be done.
- Is a loser. Looks at their weaknesses and thinks of all the reasons things can’t be done.
- Understands failure and moves ahead. Has a proper attitude toward mistakes and understands as Emerson said, “All our gains are from the fruit of venture.”
- Fears failure and holds back. They usually want a safe, known area where there is no risk, and consequently, no growth.
- Controls own destiny. They understand that where they are, and what they are because that is where they really want to be.
- Blames circumstances. Thinks success is based on luck.
- “For real,” and are totally honest.”
- Phony and is basically dishonest.
- Does lots of “possibility thinking,” like great people “act”– little people “react.”
- Reacts and thinks as they have been conditioned to think and react.
- Makes decisions and accept the consequences.
- Weak, wishy-washy a procrastinator.
- Looks ahead and grows from the past.
- Looks back and relives past failures.
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